OHOW Network One Health One World network for surveillance of foodborne and AMR threats of zoonotic origin
Foodborne zoonoses (FBZ) remain one of the most important challenges faced by public health authorities worldwide due to their complex epidemiology, and their importance is further enlarged by the emergence of antimicrobial resistant (AMR) strains that can today spread internationally. In this context surveillance programs involving animals, humans and their environment are a critical step to assess the epidemiology of FBZ and AMR, and to design control and preventive measures. The OHOW network, formed by experts in epidemiology, FBZ and AMR from Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Spain with experience in human, animal and environmental health, will work on:
- The evaluation of FBZ/AMR surveillance programs in the animal, human and environmental compartments in the four countries involved
- The exchange of expertise between partners in animal health, public health and environmental health
- The elaboration of recommendations for harmonized monitoring and characterization of FBZ and AMR
Long term sustainability
Collaborations started as a result of the OHOW network will be maintained through the existing research lines in each of the participating institutions and will serve as the basis for future grant applications. This webpage will be maintained by the UCM to facilitate future interactions and may be opened to additional interested parties from Ibero-America.
The project, originally planned for a period of 12 months, has been extended untill the end of 2021 (24 months).